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Podcast Reviews

I hope you’ve enjoyed listening to episodes of the Easy Prey podcasts; episodes have been downloaded over 440,000 times! I’ve published more than 170 episodes and interviewed many fascinating guests, including Troy Hunt, John McAfee, Dr. Robert Cialdini, and Jordan Harbinger.

Please do me a favor—if you’ve enjoyed one of my podcasts, please take a moment now to tell me (and others) about it by leaving a review.

Reviews help attract new followers, and they also tell potential episode guests that the podcast is popular with its audience.

I’m planning to have amazing podcast guests for you in 2024, and I’m looking forward to reading your reviews of the new episodes.


Chris Parker has such a calm and soothing voice, which is a wonderful accompaniment for the kinds of serious topics that he covers. You want a soothing voice as you’re learning about all the ways the bad guys out there are desperately trying to take advantage of us, and how they do cleverly find new and more devious ways each day! It’s a weird world out there! Don’t let your guard down, this podcast will give you some explicit directions!


Thank you for your always useful hints and the new podcast. I appreciate your work very much.


What Chris is doing with this podcast is something that isn’t just desirable, but needed – everyone using the internet should be listening to this! Our naivete is constantly being used against us when we’re online; the best way to combat this is by arming the masses with the information we need to stay wary and keep ourselves safe. Big, BIG ups to Chris for putting the work in for us.


This podcast is everything you need to protect yourself from getting swindled! Some of these guests just blow my mind! Chris is one of the best podcast hosts I have heard.


Chris provides amazing content that everyone needs to hear to better protect themselves and learn from other's mistakes to stay safer!


I expected this to be just another podcast that warns about privacy. Okay, yes it does that, but WAIT! There’s so much more! I listen to a lot of podcasts that are about consumer information & safety. However, I’ve still learned a lot of new information. Even if you think you don’t care, if you listen I think you’ll be surprised. As technology gets more sophisticated, scammers are also on the cutting edge & just as they are continually learning, we must too. There’s something here for everyone.

Darla D

Somethings are required reading - this podcast should be required listening for anyone using anything connected in the current world.

Apple Podcasts User

Chris' clear and informative podcasts are for the novice and expert to keep informed of the best ways to understand and protect your use of the net.


I've listened to quite of few of these podcasts now. Some of the topics I wouldn't have given a second look, but the interviewees have always been very interesting and knowledgeable. Fascinating stuff!

Excellent interview. Don't give personal information over the phone ... it can be abused in countless ways

George Jenson

I'm proud of you because you are the person who truly and sincerely performs the great work you do to inform and guide about the actions and activities. I will attribute you that you have an Eagle eye around about and have the courage to tell your opinions to people and help them.

Khan Afsar

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